Abby's News

Saturday, November 10, 2007

November is the month for being Thankful

I have a lot of things to be thankful about! But the thing I am most thankful for is to my Heavenly Father for making me a woman. I love being a mother. From the time I was a little girl I would dress all my dolls and pose them and take their picture.


I have always wanted to be a mother!

Abby, Mauri, & Mike 1974

I am also thankful for my husband for giving me the gift of letting me be a stay at home mother for 19 years. These years will be charised forever.What wonderful memories I have.

On one of my birthdays one of my daughters gave me this card. This is the reward that mothers are most thankful for:


Anonymous said...

I like your new blog...I guess I wasn't part of the thankful group? haha I just noticed I was not in any of those pictures. Cool mom...I feel loved. haha

Abby said...

Well I was able to find some pictures of you so I thought I would add them!!!! HAHAHAHA Love you Sunni buns

Anonymous said...

hahah thanks mom...I really appreciate it. I love how in every picture we are always matching. haha

Rinez said...

Abby, what a beautiful blog! Your words are just what I would say. I must say I am impressed with your blog. I need to learn how to do that fancy stuff. Thanks for sharing!

Taylor Family said...

I love all the pictures!! You all looked so darn cute!!

The DeGracie's said...

Abby - This is the best post I have ever seen. I just love looking through the past. Your pictures and KIDS are adorable. I love the one of Mikey with his hand on his hip - reminds me of Canon and his fascination for posing. Thanks so much for posting those pictures - I was so excited.