Abby's News

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mothers Day

Greatest Mother in the world!

Great memories

Favorite mother memories

Happy Birthday Mike

Here are some memories of the past 57 years! Happy Birthday Mike.

Happy Birthday Spencer

How excited we were to have Spencer be our first boy! We thought the whole time that he was going to be a she, but to our surprise she was a he. We were very excited. He has been such a joy and adventure all in one. He had a very creative mind and kept us on our toes. I remember one day I couldn't find him he was about 6 years old and I began to panic looking for him calling everyone that might know where he was when he walked through the front door with a hat on and his sisters pom pom sticking out the back of the hat. I asked him where he had been and he said DANCING! I sat what do you mean dancing? Him and his friend Jason were going door to door dancing for money. They came home with 7 dollars in change. We love you Spencer Happy birthday.